An Interview with 火博体育官网 Student, 瑞安瓦

An Interview with 火博体育官网 Student, 瑞安瓦


1.      给 a brief introduction of yourself:

My name is 瑞安瓦, I am majoring in the Entertainment Music Technology program 在火博体育官网. I'm aspiring to be an audio engineer in some capacity, and I’m currently in California in pursuit of that dream. 

2.      是什么吸引你来火博体育官网的?

I was born and raised in Hobbs, so I really enjoyed that it was a local college for 我要去. The tuition was much lower than anywhere else surrounding me. 如果我去 to Seminole for their program I would have paid out of state tuition which is kind 疯狂的. […] They had the exact program  I was looking to get into. 我喜欢 that it is a smaller college, so I have a more intimate learning experience than I would have had in other places. 

3.      你什么时候毕业?

I should graduate in May 2020 after I finish this last (math) class.

4.      If you had to choose, what is your best experience 在火博体育官网?

I definitely think the coolest experience was a special topics class I took in the 2019年夏天. […] Myself and a bunch of other students in the program were recording an entire EP (extended play) for an artist in the recording studio for a week straight. I really got a lot of cool hands on experience with that--one that I wouldn’t have 得到其他地方. It was a really awesome unique opportunity.

5.      Do you consider that your experience 在火博体育官网 has enhanced your abilities and qualities on a personal and professional level?

Absolutely, working with the people 在那里 and the instructors 在那里, Luis Gomez as well as Jerry Stoddard, has really opened my eyes to a lot of things I would have not even been aware of in this field had I not known them. 我所拥有的机会 to work with the equipment and the things we had set up 在那里 was very beneficial. 

It's really one of those things in this career path--you need a lot of hands on experience with and I’m very grateful th在火博体育官网 had the tools to provide that.

6.      Will you continue your education after graduating from 火博体育官网? 如果是,在哪里??

Possibly, it's kind of up in the air for me right now. 如果是这样,我可能会上升 到洪堡州立大学. [….] They have a music program in my major. 它更 into actual music performance and stuff like that. It could be beneficial, but again it’s very up in the air right now.

7.      Did you find it easy to make friends on campus 在火博体育官网? 

Yeah, so I wasn’t the most sociable 在那里, but I think just by nature, the program 如此亲密. It was a class of like ten to fifteen people in the whole program. Being around the same people all the time it is just kind of natural to make friends 在那里. I did make a couple good buddies along the way. 特别是在项目中 it was pretty cool, pretty easy.

8.      What would you tell a student that is considering 火博体育官网, or your specific program 学习,作为一种选择?

I would say absolutely, go for it. It is a small, little junior college, tucked away in New Mexico, but it is still a really good opportunity. 他们有很棒的 people 在那里 who are willing to help you. [...] The studio 在那里 is top notch and if you’re looking to get into it, that is the place you probably want to be all the time. With that I would also say, utilize that studio time as much as you possibly can because it’s really awesome stuff to work with and you learn so much just by doing. Having that access is really critical.

9.      Is 在那里 any advice you wish someone would have given you when beginning your 在火博体育官网接受教育?

Again, I would just say utilize as much time in that recording studio as you can. 拥有这种机会是如此的[...] It's just amazing to have that at your disposal. 工作 尽可能多和路易斯在一起. Get in 在那里 as much as you can. 只是花时间 time working with the equipment and the people you have at your disposal. 你有 so much you could learn 在那里 that you won’t have elsewhere, so I’d say that’s more 比什么都重要.

BONUS: What are you doing in California?

For the last four months I have been living in the Bay area of San Francisco, and 努力建立联系. Half of the industry is knowing things, but it’s also 火博体育建立联系. Jerry Stoddard told me on the first day of class, when he was still an instructor 在那里, that 在那里's the people who put out resumes and just sit at home waiting to pick up something. Then 在那里’s the people who get out 在那里 追逐它. They go to the cities and go to the places where this work is more prevalent, so I jumped on the chance to get out to the Bay area. 通过这些,我能够 work as a stagehand for a company called PrimeTime Entertainment. 各种工作 在旧金山湾区的演出. It was really cool to experience. 通过我的知识和 knowing what I knew 在火博体育官网 I was able to get that opportunity and prove myself. 通过 my contact at PrimeTime Entertainment, he is in the process of setting up an internship at [...] a major studio--I believe they’ve worked with Arethra Franklin and all kinds 主要行为. It’s a legit, high end recording studio. 即使知道有人可以得到 me the opportunity to be an intern 在那里 is incredible. 我把这归功于学习 我在JC的所作所为.

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